# Actions Id Name Category Site Date Author Description
Chakra_1_0214 Weapons MMH 2012-02-03 Dale Stocker Xena's Chakra

By: [email protected]

What it has:

1. New weapon. Yes, Xena's Chakra, the round disk she throughs and it comes back. There is a scrip to add the item to your inventory after you though it. I put the Chakra in a hot key and press it after...
Xena's Chakra Cheats MMH 2003-02-15 Dale Stocker A new weapon; Xena's Chakra, the round disk she throws.   The disc comes back to your  inventory via script.   I put the Chakra in a hot key; press it after throwing    Need to keep the provided "Chakra Return Ring" as the Script is linked to this, but y...